"The unfolding of your words gives light ..." (Psalm 119:130a)

Month: February 2015

Oh That He Would Come!


“It makes me boil when I think of the power we profess and the utter impotency of our action. Believers who know one-tenth as much as we do are doing one hundred times more for God, with His blessing and our criticism. Oh if I could write it, preach it, say it, paint it, anything at all, if only God’s power would become known among us!” — Jim Elliot (Shadow of the Almighty, p.138)

They Knew Not What They Were Doing


“They nailed Him to the tree, not knowing that by that very act they were bringing the world to his feet. They gave Him a cross, not guessing that He would make it a throne. They flung Him outside the gates to die, not knowing that in that very moment they were lifting up all the gates of the universe, to let the King come in. They thought to root out his doctrines, not understanding that they were implanting imperishably in the hearts of men the very name they intended to destroy. They thought they had God with his back to the wall, pinned and helpless and defeated: they did not know that it was God Himself who had tracked them down. He did not conquer in spite of the dark mystery of evil. He conquered through it.” –James Stewart, The Strong Name (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1972), 55.

Look What I Discovered

Earlier today while searching the web for something entirely different I happened upon this …


Funny, the publisher never told me they had arranged for it to be translated and published in Italian! Life is full of fun surprises.

It is available in both paperback (here and here) and an electronic version (here and here). Or read a sample here. So if you speak Italian or know someone who does, spread the word!

Update: Next Book

My next book, Life as Worship, is due for release by CLC Publications on April 7. It is in the final stages of proofreading and layout design. I appreciate your prayers as the final touches are put on the project and it is sent to the printers.


I ask that you join me in praying that God will …

  1. Raise up a platform for the needed message of this book,
  2. Put the book into the hands of those significant influencers who can speed it on its way to many others who will benefit from its message, and
  3. Transform people’s minds, hearts, and lives through the book.


Why Write?


“For in scattering divine literature we liberate thistledown, laden with precious seed, which, blown by the winds of the Spirit, floats over the world. The printed page never flinches, never shows cowardice; it is never tempted to compromise; it never tires, never grows disheartened; it travels cheaply, and requires no hired hall; it works while we sleep; it never loses its temper; and it works long after we are dead. The printed page is a visitor which gets inside the home, and stays there; it always catches a man in the right mood, for it speaks to him only when he is reading it; it always sticks to what it has said, and never answers back; and it is bait left permanently in the pool.” –M.P. Panton, quoted on February 3, Streams in the Desert, vol. II)

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