"The unfolding of your words gives light ..." (Psalm 119:130a)

Month: February 2021

Life in the War Zone

Life in the War Zone — 1 Peter 2:11-17

I. Life in the War Zone. (11-12)

  • Front #1: I battle in a war raging within me. (11)
  • Front #2: I battle in a war raging around me. (12)

II. Life in the Political War Zone. (13-17)

  • Our motive: “for the Lord’s sake” (13a)
  • Our master: “to every human institution” (13b-14)
  • Our mission: “this is the will of God” (15a)
  • Our method: “that by doing good you should put to silence …” (15b-16)
  • Our mindset: (17)

A Jesus-defined Life (II)

A Jesus-defined Life (II) — 1 Peter 2:4-10

I. Jesus is the source of our identity. (4-5, 9)

  • Jesus is … (4)
    • “a living stone”
    • “rejected by men”
    • “in the sight of God chosen and precious”
  • We are … (5, 9)
    • “living stones” (5)
    • “a spiritual house” (5)
    • “a holy priesthood” (5)
    • “a chosen race” (9)
    • “a royal priesthood” (9)
    • “a holy nation” (9)
    • “a people for his own possession” (9)

II. Jesus is the source of our destiny. (6-8)

  • We choose our destiny by believing. (6b, 7a)
  • We choose our destiny by disbelieving. (4, 7b, 8b)

III. Jesus is the source of our activity. (10)

  • We offer spiritual sacrifices. (5b)
  • We fulfill a special mission. (9b)

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Occupy Until I Come

Occupy Until I Come: A.T. Pierson and the Evangelization of the World

In this well written and engaging biography Dr. Dana L. Robert masterfully depicts the life of a key figure in both 19th Century American Christianity and in the movement of mission mobilization that was sweeping across the western world. Pierson’s ministry navigated the dramatic currents of cultural change that shaped America from the Civil War through the industrialization that dawned with the first decade of the twentieth century. The convictions that guided A.T. Pierson and the spiritual depth of his relationship with God carried him through tumultuous waters and are worthy of our emulation today. In Pierson we discover the too-often-odd matrix of Biblical proclamation, social concern, evangelistic drive, mission mobilization, and a vision for Christian unity. Soon after his death these passions would splinter into the separate movements of fundamentalist, evangelical, and liberal Christianity, but in Pierson they were held simply, purely and without conflict in the heart of one sincere and mightily used servant of God.

I encourage pastors to carefully read this important work, for it holds forth a model of the kind of God-honoring faithfulness needed in our day as we too navigate cultural forces and spiritual winds that are no less threatening to the advance of God’s Kingdom.

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