"The unfolding of your words gives light ..." (Psalm 119:130a)

Month: October 2016 (Page 1 of 2)

Resources on Depression


Here are several resources (with annotations and web-links where available) I have found helpful in dealing with depression personally and helping others.


  • Dr. Terry Powell: “What I’ve Seen in the Dark: A Story of Depression and Faith.” Dr. Powell, a veteran professor of over thirty years at Columbia International University, in this authentic, transparent testimony offers insights learned in his personal battles with depression as a follower and servant of Jesus Christ. Link
  • Dr. Allan McKecknie and Dr. Terry Powell: “Hope in the Midst of Darkness.” Dr. McKecknie, Professor of Ministry Care at Columbia International University, interviews his fellow professor, regarding his struggles as a servant of Christ with the darkness of depression. Link
  • John Piper: “Charles Spurgeon: Preaching Through Adversity.” In this biographical review of the great 19th century English preacher, John Piper also discloses his own struggles against despair and despondency as a pastor. While this is geared toward preachers, there is much encouragement to be found by all who face these battles. Link


  • Nathan Hatch: “The Gift of Brokenness: The Outrageously Fruitful Ministry of My Father.” Christianity Today (November 14, 1994, Vol. 38, No.13). Dr. Hatch writes this piece as a tribute to his father at the time of his 80th birthday. The life of James “Buck” Hatch was lived quietly and fruitfully for the Lord despite a life-long battle with despondency and depression. A very encouraging read for those who think depression must minimize your effectiveness as a servant of the Lord. Link


  • New Light on Depression: Help, Hope and Answers for the Depressed and Those Who Love Them. David B. Bieble and Harold G. Koenig (Zondervan, 2004). This book bears the endorsement of the Christian Medical Association and seeks to offer medically reliable and Biblically sound insight into the matter of depression. It is encyclopedic in its breadth, but written in a readable and accessible fashion as a help to all. There is a lot of help here. Link
  • Overcoming Depression. Neil T. Anderson (Regal Books, 2004). A shorter, simpler book that helps the struggling one identify the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual issues that contribute to and compound one’s struggle with depression. Link
  • Spurgeon’s Sorrows: Realistic Help for Those Who Suffer from Depression. Zack Eswine (Christian Focus Publications, 2014). Eswine’s PhD dissertation focused on Spurgeon, so from his depth of research he is able to recount the story of Spurgeon’s struggle with depression in a way that offers hope and help to all, pastor or layperson alike. Link
  • When the Darkness Will Not Lift: Doing What We Can While we Wait for God. John Piper (Crossway Books, 2006). What do we do when simple answers do not seem to clear the darkness of depression? In this brief book Piper offers godly, sensitive counsel for those mired in ongoing depression, whether their own or that of someone they love. Link

My prayer is that these resources and the things shared during our upcoming series on depression will prove helpful and hopeful for those struggling with the darkness of despondency and depression. Thank you for praying with me that “Light dawns in the darkness” for those mired in despondency, and that all together will taste and see that God “is gracious, merciful, and righteous” with those who suffer (Psalm 112:4).

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