"The unfolding of your words gives light ..." (Psalm 119:130a)

Category: Peace (Page 1 of 2)

New Book!

I’m excited to announce the release of Living in Calm Confidence: The Promise of Psalm 16. This brief book is the fruit of years of prayer, meditating on God’s Word, and waiting on Him. My prayer is that it will be a source of strength and peace to many.

It is available in paperback from the publisher, Amazon, Christianbook, Barnes and Nobel, and more.

It is available for free download on Kindle/eBook:

It is available in audio-book for free at Youtube, Spotify, and SoundCloud. Within the week it should be available also on Audible.

Three questions for you:

  • Would you be willing to purchase and/or download a copy and prayerfully read it?
  • Would you share this with friends by word of mouth and social media?
  • Would you give it a rating (and maybe even a review) on Amazon or Goodreads?

However you access the book, may its title become the reality of your own life in Christ!

Next Book News!

I’m excited to announce that Aneko Press has scheduled my next book’s release for January 1, 2025.

Living in Calm Confidence is through the editing and design phase and off to the printers as I type this line.

Join me in praying for God to prepare hearts for the message of this book and that it might be used to draw many into the peace that only Jesus offers. I’ll update you as we move toward its release date.

This is My Father’s World

“History is but the unrolled scroll of Prophecy.” — President James A. Garfield


“This was according to the eternal purpose that he has realized in Christ Jesus our Lord …” (Ephesians 3:11)

“… according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of his will …” (Ephesians 1:11)

“… remember the former things of old; for I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me, declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things not yet done, saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, and I will accomplish all my purpose.'” (Isaiah 46:9-10)

“… the King of the ages …” (1 Timothy 1:17)

“Known to God from eternity are all His works.” (Acts 15:18, NKJV)

“… God desired to show … the unchangeable character of his purpose …” (Hebrews 6:17)

Remembering the Right Use of Memory

The Bible makes a really big deal about the role our minds play in life and discipleship. Our every thought is to be taken captive to Christ and His Kingdom rule (2 Cor. 10:4-5).


Not surprisingly, then, the Bible has a lot to say about the place memory has to play in a disciple’s life. God’s people are exhorted repeatedly to “Remember” (e.g, Ex. 32:13; Joshua 1:13; 1 Chron. 16:12; Neh. 1:8; Isa. 44:21; Eph. 2:11; 2 Tim. 2:8; Heb. 13:7; Rev. 3:3)!

But even when we “remember,” we may do so in a way that becomes spiritually or emotionally unhealthy. There is a particular way we are to remember.

I was recently helped, in this regard, by something Mark Buchanan has written about memory run amuck.[1] It has to do with the role of nostalgia. And the older we are the more vulnerable we are to these kinds of memories-gone-to-seed.

Buchanan says, “I think nostalgia is really misplaced anticipation.” That is to say, “nostalgia is expectancy in reverse. It’s our instinct for heaven rummaging around in the storage closet, hoping that our heart’s true desire is in there somewhere, hidden amid a clutter of keepsakes and accumulated debris.”

We all have somewhere in our memory banks a treasure trove of “golden days” when things were, in our estimation, a good as they would ever get. Buchanan says, “If we don’t fathom that [the] beauty [of those days] is a rumor of heaven, we’ll make a fetish of the rumor and miss what it’s pointing to. We’ll try to cling to [the] beauty [of those days], and resent its fading.”

In other words, “We’ll become nostalgic.”

He goes on, “We all know the past was never as clean and bright as we remember it. Nostalgia pains history with gold, just as unforgiveness paints it black. Actually, nostalgia, besides being misplaced expectancy, is also second cousin to unforgiveness. Both unforgiveness and nostalgia share the trait of an unreconciled past. Nostalgia is a vain attempt to reconcile the past through wistfulness, whereas unforgiveness is a doomed attempt to reconcile it through vengeance. The past is actually only ever reconciled through four things: thankfulness, forgiveness, acceptance, and repentance. Most of us have a season or two when we try to reconcile the past in these other ways, through wistfulness or vengeance. But all we find (if we’re noticing) is it makes the past accumulate not resolve. It makes history’s hand on us heavy, not light, confining, not liberating. The past ends up claiming us in ways God never intended it to; rather than imparting clear identity that shapes destiny, it twists and thwarts destiny. Nostalgia and unforgiveness both do this.”

“In fact,” says Buchanan, “one easily becomes the other. He who waxes nostalgic will usually, in time, turn bitter about how the past won’t return to him; she who nurses unforgiveness will usually, in time, pin for some pristine beginning, some imagined prehistory before all the trouble began.”

When our remembrances make us less able to engage the present and move hopefully into the future, it’s a sign that nostalgia has held up our memory banks and robbed us of the divinely intended use of our God-given capacity for remembering. When we can remember and be moved with simple, profound gratitude and then freed to trust that same God to offer us more good (but different) experiences in the present and on into the future, it’s a sign that His Spirit is filling and using that memory-space He’s created in each one of us.

Father, thank you for all you’ve been to us and done for us in the years that lie behind. Thank you that you’ll be nothing less in this present hour and as the days ahead unfold. We gladly trust you to show your goodness again, in whatever wise and wonderful ways you choose fit to do so. In Jesus’ Name, amen.

[1] Mark Buchanan, Spiritual Rhythm: Being With Jesus Every Season of Your Soul (Grand Rapids; Zondervan, 2010), 118-120.

What then is this thing, hope?


What then is this thing, hope?
Its presence so easily presumed upon
Its price so consistently devalued
Its promise so seldom realized

What then is this thing, hope?
A whisper of another world
A herald from a King
A schematic of a future home

What then is this thing, hope?
Whose absence is hell
Whose advent is life
Whose actualization is heaven

What then is this thing, hope?
On a dark Saturday
After a Good Friday
On this day before …

What then is this thing?

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