“Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him …” (Colossians 2:6)
We are commanded to “walk” through this life as followers of Christ. This walk is said to be “in him.” This little prepositional phrase is actually set before the imperative giving is special emphasis. The antecedent of the pronoun (“him”) is clearly the loaded statement “Christ Jesus the Lord.” The preposition “in” probably marks out the sphere in which the believer’s life is to be carried out.
This simple phrase “in him” is used extensively in this letter to the Colossian believers to set forth dramatic and profound truths. It was “in him” (lit.; “by him,” ESV) that all things were created (Col. 1:16). It is “in him” that all things hold together (1:17). The Father was pleased to have all His divine fullness dwell “in him” (1:19). Indeed, it is “in him” that “the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily” (2:9)! With the next swipe of his pen the Apostle says it is “in him” that each child of God has “been made complete” (NASB, 2:10). Satan and all demonic powers have been defeated “in him” (2:15).
Now consider that we are able and responsible to make our way step by step through this life “in him”!
What is this journey to which we have been called? What honor! What responsibility! What possibilities!