My heart is full of praise to the Lord, having just returned from a wonderful time of ministry in Russia. I was invited to teach a one week intensive course in the masters program at Kuban Evangelical Christian University in Krasnodar, Russia.

This included forty hours of instruction in five days. The course was called The Pastoral Epistles for Pastors and was based upon the work presented in my commentary by the same name.

Here are the students I was blessed to spend that week with. Hungry for God’s Word and eager to serve Him in touching the lives of others for Jesus’ sake! What an honor it was to spend this time with them.

Please meet Eugene, the world’s greatest translator! Seriously, he’s brilliant. I was blessed to work with him.

Thank you to all of you who prayed! Please continue in prayer for the school, its leadership and their students.

In addition, I was blessed to spend the weekend in Moscow with our sister-church, Open Door Church. Pastor Dima invited me to share from God’s Word and Pastor Venya did an awesome job of translating. What a blessing to partner with these fine folks in ministry! Pray for them as they seek to impact this major world city with the Gospel.