In Psalm 69 David is in trouble.
We can identify.
- “… the waters have come up to my neck” (v.1)
- “I sink in deep mire, where there is no foothold” (v.2a)
- “… the flood sweeps over me” (v.2b)
And where is God? “My eyes grow dim with waiting for my God.” (v.3b)
As the prayer continues, David cries out three times: “Answer me”! (vv.13, 16, 17).
Nothing new here. We’ve all do it. We’ve all done it many times. And we should.
What is interesting to me is the juxtaposition of the time elements David links to his cry. Look at them this way …
“At an acceptable time, O God, in the abundance of your steadfast love answer me in your saving faithfulness … make haste to answer me” (vv.13b, 17b)
Out of his obvious distress, David calls upon God to save him. On the one hand he asks God to save him (“answer me”) “At an acceptable time,” yet he very quickly repeats the request (“answer me”) telling Him to “make haste.”
Translation: “God, answer me, whenever it might be in your will, but let it be today!”
In the trauma of distress I often do my best to bow to the Lord’s timing, but at the same time feel I must hear from Him immediately. The pendulum ride from patience to panic is frequent and swift. In this I am not alone, for David knew it as well. And so we, with him, sometimes pray: “At an acceptable time … make haste”
Heavenly Father, I too, like David, live in the midst of real circumstances. Often I conclude things are critical before you join me in that evaluation. Give me steadfastness and patience in waiting on you. But please, O God, do act upon your promises and on my behalf. In Jesus’ Name, amen.