Those who study psychology have long told us that the two basic needs of humans are security and significance. We exhaust ourselves over a lifetime trying to gain these two gems. We sell all—sometimes literally—to make them ours. We drain our bodies, minds, schedules and bank accounts, sacrificing their contents at the altar of security and significance.
It comes as no surprise—or perhaps, for you, it does—that Jesus perfectly addresses both of these fundamental needs. In fact, He created those needs within us. He crafted the glove of our nature to fit the hand of His grace.
We strive for security—or love—through our own efforts. We fail. Every human relationship is sabotaged by the sin and selfishness resident in both parties. Only a Savior who chose not to protect Himself, but give Himself on our behalf can ever provide the safety and security of perfect love. Jesus did this through His crucifixion on our behalf. You and I are secure “in Christ.” “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1). God’s grace has been “freely bestowed on us in the Beloved” (Ephesians 1:6). Our security lies not in what we have done nor in what we are doing, but in who He has made us to be in Christ.
We grasp after significance—or importance—in our own strength. We give ourselves to jobs, careers, hobbies, dreams, etc. in an attempt to make our lives count. We all want to know our lives have mattered, that we have contributed in a meaningful way to something of worth. Jesus has already done this through His call on our lives. We are “those who have been sanctified in Christ Jesus, saints by calling” (1 Corinthians 1:2). You and I are significant “in Christ.” Our significance is not wrapped up in what we do for Christ, but in who He has made us to be by calling us to Christ.
Here it is in a simple statement. Ponder this. Pray over this. Ask God to bring the reality of this home to the depths of your soul.
I am loved not because I do, but because I am.
I am significant not because I do, but because I am.
Jesus changes who I am in an instant (by regeneration – being born again). He changes what I do over time (by sanctification – growth in Christ-likeness).
Because Jesus loves me for who I am and not because of what I do, I need not wait to be at rest.
Did you catch that? I need not wait to be at rest!
“There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from his own work, just as God did from his.” (Hebrews 4:9-10)
I am prayerfully asking God to bring that rest to the deepest core of my heart and life. I’m asking Him to do the same for you.