“God gave them over to the lusts of their hearts … God gave them over to degrading passions … God gave them over to a depraved mind.” (Romans 1:24, 26, 28)
“There arose another generation after then who did know know the Lord.” (Judges 2:10)
That which is unthinkable to one generation is to the next generation a secret fantasy.
What is a secret fantasy to one generation is to the next generation a whispered rumor.
What is a whispered rumor to one generation is to the next generation an open scandal.
What is an open scandal to one generation is to the next generation a matter of equal rights.
What is a matter of equal rights to one generation is to the next generation normal.
What is normal to one generation is to the next generation boring.
What is boring to one generation is largely abandoned in favor of something that was once unthinkable even to the most open minded a generation before.
Only our vigilance as those who make up this generation is a protection against the slow fade.