Peter’s short second letter is perhaps as profound as any portion of Scriptures for the days in which we live. Sadly, it seems we’ve lost sight of the end of all things and thus have lost any orientation by which we might rightly embrace the present. That was the problem Peter wrote to confront. False teachers had arisen saying that there would be no final judgment (2 Peter 3:3-4). Deny accountability and you lose all ability to live faithfully. I titled this series Last Days Life Preservers. We have to keep our eyes on the last day if we will be faithful in these last days. To help us, Peter throws us a lifeline comprised of …
- Life (2 Peter 1.1-4)
- Intentionality (2 Peter 1.5-11)
- Reminder (2 Peter 1.12-15)
- Scripture (2 Peter 1.16-21)
- Discernment I (2 Peter 2.1-10a)
- Discernment II (2 Peter 2.10b-22)
- Accountability (2 Peter 3.1-7)
- Perspective (2 Peter 3.8-13)
- Responsibility (2 Peter 3.14-18)
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