How does one discern who has the Spirit of God upon them? (12:1, 31)

I. The sure sign of the Spirit’s presence is not spiritual experience. (1)

A. Possessing eloquence. (1a)

B. Possessing ecstasies. (1b)

II. The sure sign of the Spirit’s presence is not spiritual insight. (2)

A. Knowing what is true. (2a)

B. Knowing what to do. (2b)

III. The sure sign of the Spirit’s presence is not spiritual sacrifice. (3)

A. Giving up my stuff. (3a)

B. Giving up myself. (3b)

Those marked by the Spirit are those who so glory in their relationship to Jesus’ experiences, insight, and sacrifice that the love which moved Him moves through them.

As we do so, His love becomes our love, for “God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us” (Rom. 5:5)

More experienced, more insightful, more sacrificial people are not going to change the world.

The world will be changed through people who because of Jesus’ experiences, insight, sacrifice live in such fellowship with Him by His Spirit that the love that moved Him moves through them.

Quite simply, the surest sign of the Spirit’s presence is love.