
“… ten seconds in the presence of God can accomplish more than all the human effort of all time combined.

When revival comes, it restores our first love for the Lord Jesus and brings unquenchable joy … releases us from the bondage of sin and self, and sweeps us into the freedom of life in the Spirit.

Revival leaves us hungering and thirsting for God. We’re not longer satisfied with human efforts, man-made programs, or short-lived strategies.

Revival leaves us seeking that which is real, lasting, and supernatural. It causes us to seek the truth, even if it hurts …

Revival awakens in our hearts and increased awareness of the presence of God, a new hatred for sin, a new love for God, and a hunger for His Word …

Revival results in fresh commitment to obey anything God says to us and to yield without question, hesitation, or reservation to the lordship of Christ in our lives. Intense love for Jesus and increased faith and fervency in prayer are marks of revival.” (Del Fehsenfeld, Jr., Ablaze With His Glory, pp.33-34)