We are in the editing stage of Life as Worship: When Reverence Defines Reality. I appreciate your prayers as final honing of the text takes place in the collaborative labors of the editor and myself. CLC Publications will publish the book (www.clcpublications.com). We are looking at a release in the spring of 2015.
Here are a few of the endorsements that have come in thus far:
John Kitchen’s Life as Worship is an outstanding exposition of the Psalms of Asaph. In addition to giving us very able and wise instruction from these biblical songs, Kitchen also writes so excellently, consistently keeping the Scriptural text in our main view. His judicious use of contemporary illustrations within these chapters also gives us a vivid picture of how to practically apply God’s eternal truths to our lives. I have been a longtime reader of John Kitchen’s writing ministry, including his masterful treatment of Davidic Psalms entitled, Praying Through, and now this latest exposition of Asaph’s Psalms is surely its worthy companion volume. I pray that Life as Worship gains a wide reading, for not only those preachers who will teach the Psalms, but also for a myriad of growing Christians who seek to read them for their own good and the glory of God.
Lance Quinn
Pastor, Grace Advance
Grace Community Church
Sun Valley, California
I read everything that Dr. John Kitchen writes. He is a pastor-scholar who understands the delicate balance between information and transformation. Life as Worship continues Kitchen’s legacy. After reading this outstanding book, my mind, heart, and feet were motivated to worship the Lord with renewed abandon. Expect to be changed as you read!
Keith R. Krell, PhD
Senior Pastor, Fourth Memorial Church, Spokane, WA
Associate Professor of Biblical Exposition Moody Bible Institute- Spokane
Here is a book that will go a long way toward solving the real worship war, the war that rages in your own heart. What is worship? How much effort should I invest in worship? When should I worship? And what does real worship look like? Taking his cue from the Psalms, God’s own “Order of Worship,” John Kitchen confronts us with the reality that all of life is worship and can only be properly stewarded with that understanding.
Tom Elliff, former President of the Southern Baptist Convention and their International Mission Board
Many books have been written about worship. Worship is trendy now and everyone has a different take on it. Worship can become about getting on a hamster wheel of trying to keep up with the top 10 worship songs of the month, getting the highest tech audio/visual equipment and having great sounding bands or it can be about nostalgia and keeping things traditional. It can be about depth and deep meaning or it can become about ambiance and mood setting. It can divide generations and ethnic groups or it can bring us together. In the midst of so much distraction around “worship,” John Kitchen has managed to write a powerful, unique and insightful book on worship by exegeting the Psalms of Asaph. It isn’t a worship book about music or styles or trends. Instead, through an interesting and well-written analysis of the life and Psalms of this great worship leader, John manages to go deep into what the term “leading a lifestyle of worship” really looks like. Through joy, sorrow, questioning, listening, gratitude and several other approaches, we see how, when worship becomes what we are about, it can swell up out of our daily lives continually – not just when we are singing worship songs with our congregation – but in every circumstance. Go deeper than a focus on songs and styles and trends, and let this well-written book help you make your life all about worship. You’ll be blessed and through you, so will God.
Dan Adler, Heart of the City Ministries, Minneapolis, MN
Life as Worship is a refreshing look at how worship is not just something that we do, but it really is our entire life. The book takes the reader on a journey that deepens their understanding of worship and then challenges them to take time to develop a deeper life of worship with practical application. You will not want to just read through it quickly because there is such depth to be explored here!
Rev. Derek Mansker Bethany Alliance Church, Fennimore, WI
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