“I am extending an invitation to you. It is an invitation to look again at God’s Story with the anticipation that when you do, you’ll be enabled to discover the story God wants to make of your unique and individual life. …  My invitation is this: Come with me back to the beginning and begin a journey which will deliver us at the end. I want you to see from Scripture that there is one Grand Story, one true Story that is being written across history, and that your life can be a part of it. Your life can contribute to the fulfillment and completion of that Story. You are not an accident. The ordering of your life is not a mistake. There is a point to it all and a purpose for your existence. Your life can have meaning and can contribute to what God is doing from all eternity.” (pp.18, 19)

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You can order Long Story Short: God, Eternity, History and You from CLC Publications, Amazon.com and Christianbook.com.